Exhibition period: 28th Feb – 24th Mar 2013
Venue: iPRECIATION (誰先覺) 50 Cuscaden Road HPL House #01-01 Singapore 249724 Tel 65 6339 0678
Noun – the New Jersey-based rock band.
Adjective – a rush of harmonic chords. Hybrid of ‘cascade’ and ‘cadence’; used in Indie-culture speak to allude appreciatively to musical value. Not found in mainstream lexicons.
It started as a playful pun to allude to the gallery’s move to Cuscaden Road; it proceeded to prove the choice fortuitously apt as the exhibition’s theme began to take shape. Cascadence: SG Redux is iPreciation’s first show at the new gallery premises after being in Fullerton Hotel for 10 years. Featuring 7 Singapore artists whose collective practices span 5 decades of art of Singapore, Cascadence is curated to present disparate and diverging ‘chords’, each representing individualistically distinctive formal and conceptual expression honed by practice and performance, each staking its own claim in art historical and discursive location that mark their unique presence and contribution to Singapore art. Thus orchestrated as a composition, the exhibition of 7 artistic voices is a sum of seemingly discordant parts that makes a chorus, one that speaks of the intentions of the hosting gallery.
The new iPreciation Gallery at 50 Cuscaden Road is a generous 5300 square feet with space for exhibitions and talks by artists and the art community. In staging an exclusively Singapore artists exhibition as its inaugural show, iPreciation signals the gallery’s plans to make Singapore art one of its key foci and to promote the cause of Singapore artistic community in the local and international art scene as Singapore shapes itself as a regional arts hub.
Quek Wee Chew (b. 1934, Singapore)
A temple caretaker, Quek Wee Chew’s serene still-life compositions seem frozen in time and yet timeless, maintaining their own integrity and fidelity to the spirituality of art and art making.
Goh Beng Kwan (b. 1937, Indonesia)
A Second Generation artist, Goh Beng Kwan’s defining contribution to Singapore art is his distinctive approach to abstraction and collage.
Lee Wen (b. 1957, Singapore)
Lee Wen is a leading performance artist, creating in 1990 the Yellow Man that has become as much his artistic and performative persona as it is an allegory for social reflection and critique.
Tay Bak Chiang (b. 1973, Singapore)
A contemporary ink painter, Tay Bak Chiang navigates the tradition with aplomb and zesty humour that one might be advised to expect the unexpected.
Milenko Pravcki (b. 1951, Yugoslavia)
A Senior Fellow at LaSalle College of the Arts, Pravcki has been an influential art educator and stands as one of the most exciting, consistent and productive painters in the Singapore art scene.
Michael Lee (b. 1972, Singapore)
Lee is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice centres on urban memory and fiction, particularly in the contexts of loss and the implications thereof.
Suzann Victor (b. 1959, Singapore)
Sydney-based Victor continues to leave vivid impressions on Singapore art. An artist who plunges the depths of gender identity and subjection, Victor’s installations often posses a terrible beauty that shudders the senses with the quiet violence the works imply.